TOEFL Preparatory Course

TOEFL Preparatory Course
The TOEFL language test is the most trusted and widely accepted English language exam in the world. It has helped millions of people fulfil their dreams of studying, working or living abroad. More than 10,000 higher education institutions, government agencies and organisations around the world accept TOEFL scores when making important decisions.
This course will help you understand what you can do to achieve the best score on the TOEFL test. Instructors will guide you through each section (reading, listening, speaking and writing) and, using archived questions from previous tests, explain the types of questions you can expect. You will receive valuable advice, including how to register for the test, how the test is scored and how to prepare for test day.
This course is highly interactive, using videos, sample questions with explanations, short quizzes and collaborative discussion forums. You will also have access to real test material from previous tests. During the weeks covering speaking and writing, all course participants can receive scores for their answers from practice tests.
The exam takes the form of a computer-based test and tests all 4 language skills - reading, listening, speaking and writing, from Intermediate / B1 to Advanced / C1 - according to the Council of Europe levels. The recommended minimum level at which to start the course is Intermediate / B1.
The first step before starting the course will therefore be to analyse your level of English: a written test and a meeting with the school's methodologist.
The TOEFL iBT test is scored from 0 to 120 points. So check with the university you are applying to to find out what the required number of points is for study abroad.
With Redline you will prepare for the TOEFL exam under the guidance of professional tutors & coaches, working with authentic course material.
The TOEFL preparation course starts in October and runs until June. Preparation for the TOEFL is based on all aspects of learning, such as speaking, writing, reading, listening comprehension and grammar. The course comprises 120 teaching units, during which students broaden their knowledge, develop particular language skills based on sample exam tasks.
The basis of good exam preparation is reading academic texts and consolidating vocabulary. Therefore, in the course, we pay great attention to familiarising students with academic vocabulary and the construction of academic texts of varying difficulty. Texts for reading and analysis are given to students as homework.
In terms of listening comprehension, students develop skills in understanding the topic, the main message of the text and its content. They also practise the ability to connect facts and information and take notes. During the course, students also work on developing skills in essay writing, expressing opinions and arguing opinions. Much of the lesson is devoted to practising speaking skills on a variety of topics.
An important aspect of exam preparation is to familiarise students with exam requirements, exam techniques and the format and types of exam questions.
Who takes the TOEFL exam? More than 30 million people from around the world have taken the TOEFL test to demonstrate their English language skills. These include:
- Persons planning to study abroad or who want to have their learning outcomes at a Polish university credited
- Applicants for scholarships and professional certificates
- English language learners who want to track their progress
- Students and employees applying for visas in certain countries
- How to improve your language skills
- How to successfully navigate the four sections of the TOEFL test: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing
- Helpful tips for preparing for the TOEFL test
- How the TOEFL test is scored
- How to use TOEFL test scores for employment, study, visas and scholarships
- You will learn how to manage your time during the test
- Where to find additional study resources for the TOEFL test
- How to register for the TOEFL test
We respect your commitments.
Oferujemy elastyczną gamę kursów TOEFL, aby zaspokoić potrzeby każdego i ograniczenia czasowe, w tym opcje w niepełnym wymiarze godzin, w pełnym wymiarze godzin, grupowe i indywidualne.
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